Recently, I dived deeper into various resources on Corporate Sustainability when I was doing research for my class paper on the link between Psychological Capital (PsyCap) for Fostering Sustainability Oriented Innovation (SOI) in Japan.
The following are some great articles I came across when I wanted to understand where the companies stall and how they can move on in achieving Sustainability.
IMD's article by Knut Haanaes (2016) Why all businesses should embrace sustainability
The article describes the gaps, why those gaps exist, and provides recommendations on how to resolve them.
The Brooking Institute's article by George Ingram, Mai Nguyen, and Milan Bala (2019), How corporations are approaching sustainability and the Global Goals
The article explains the phases of Sustainability: 1- Enterprise integration: Strategic, Operational, Organizational, and 2- Market Transformation.
Stanford Social Innovation Review's article by Andrew J. Hoffman (2018), The Next Phase of Business Sustainability
Explains the phases but also provides insight on how to conduct business in new ways that will foster Sustainability.
Russel Raynold's article on Sustainable leadership: Talent requirements for sustainable enterprises
Defines behaviors and competencies.
I will keep adding resources and references.