One year ago around this time, I started my first o-henro around Shikoku 88.
I finished it on May 1st.
I felt a deep connection to the path and I am glad that I did it. The experience made me humbler and grateful for all the things I have or don't have.
I also realized that all I have to do in life was to live, unconditionally without obstacles.
The road to 88 temples might also be thought as our lives as we may complete our life's journey around that age. The Temple 88 and 1 are also only a few kms away, which reminds us of how we start living and how we end.
Once I completed 88, I thought about how I want to feel on my last day on earth (as this human form). What would I care about or try to remember or cherish?
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. - Maya Angelou